septiembre 26, 2022


Living through a hurricane can be a frightening ordeal. The damage they’re capable of causing is enormous. If you haven’t experienced a hurricane first hand, you’ve likely seen news footage of flooded homes, damaged buildings, and cars floating through rivers that were once city streets.

Whether you’re able to stay home and ride out the storm or forced to evacuate, there are certain steps you can take beforehand to attempt to minimize damage to your home. While it may not be possible to eliminate potential damage completely, taking these precautions can make a significant difference.

When preparing your home for the storm, it’s useful to think in terms of the two aspects of a hurricane that can cause the most damage: high winds and flooding. If you’re a renter rather than a homeowner, it’s a good idea to speak with your landlord about how you can collaborate to help secure the rental property.

Categories: Hurricane

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