septiembre 26, 2022

High Winds

If you’ve ever felt the full force of hurricane winds, you know how destructive they can be. When thinking about protecting your home from wind, consider both the wind itself as well as the debris it may carry.

Debris from wind: Before the storm strikes, bring any and all loose objects inside your home. These include things like trash cans, potted plants, outdoor furniture, and so on. If there are objects that can’t be brought inside, consider anchoring them to the ground.

Check for trees with limbs that might need trimming in advance of the storm.

High-speed winds: In order to reduce damage to your home from winds, you’ll want to reinforce its structure in advance of a hurricane. Ensuring that your walls, windows, and roof are structurally sound makes them less likely to suffer damage under the pressure of high-speed winds.

Categories: Hurricane

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