marzo 28, 2017

Home Insurance – Protect the largest investment you might ever make



When it comes to the largest investment most people ever make, it just makes sense to have the right protection in place.

Did you know more than half of the homes in America are underinsured?  A home is the largest investment most people make.  Don’t put yourself at risk for a major financial loss.  Make sure you are adequately protected.

From hurricanes to sinkholes to lightning, we understand the unique risks associated with owning a Florida home. Companies offer different homeowner coverage alternatives so choosing the right policy means finding the right mix of options to meet your needs – that’s where we come in.

Basic homeowner insurance policies include:

  •          The structure of your home
  •          Personal property
  •          Living expenses in case of a covered loss
  •          Liability and more

Additional policies/coverage available:

  •          Flood
  •          Valuable personal property endorsement (e.g. jewelry, fine art, guns)
  •          Umbrella
  •          Animal Liability
  • ·        Sinkhole

Call us today or fill out the free homeowners quote form to protect this valuable asset.


Categories: Blog

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