marzo 20, 2023

First day of Spring 2023

In the Northern Hemisphere, the astronomical Start of Spring is also known as the Spring equinox. It starts on March 20, 2023, at 5:24 PM EDT.

image depicting the spring season- a green meadow with colorful flowers

Spring will last from March 20 until June 20, when Summer officially starts this year.

What is the Spring Equinox

The Spring Equinox  is also called the Vernal or March Equinox. It happens when the Sun heads north and crosses the equator line.

When this happens, the Northern Hemisphere of the Earth starts to tilt more towards the Sun, which results in longer and warmer days.

In short, Spring Equinox marks the arrival of the Spring Season in the United States.

The weather during spring is particularly pleasant. Flowers and plants are in full bloom.

In the Southern Hemisphere, the Vernal Equinox signals the start of Autumn, as it gets tilted away from the Sun.

During the equinox, the day and night are nearly the same lengths, approximately 12 hours long each.

The change happens at this point when the days become longer and nights become shorter.

The end of Spring is signaled by the Summer Solstice, which takes place in June, and marks the arrival of Summer in the Northern Hemisphere.

First Day of Spring in the Next Few Years

2024 Tuesday, March 19, 11:06 PM EDT
2025 Thursday, March 20, 5:01 AM EDT
2026 Friday, March 20, 10:46 AM EDT
2027 Saturday, March 20, 4:24 PM EDT
2028 Sunday, March 19, 10:18 PM EDT

Important Dates associated with Spring

Spring has always had great significance when it comes to dates and celebrations. In ancient times, it was during Spring that many pagan rituals and ceremonies took place, mainly weddings, and other fertility-related rites.

These traditions have, in one way or another, been passed on through to modern times, and today some of the most important dates we celebrate take place during Spring:

  • Mardi Gras and Carnival – In some cultures this is the festival of the new year.
  • Easter – The most important feast day in Christianity, celebrating the resurrection of Jesus Christ.
  • Passover – Where Jewish people celebrate their escape from slavery.

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